Seeing as we get bored with our knitting, crocheting and whatever else
we're doing, I thought I'd search out a new craft for all of us. Here
is what I came up with:
I'm always looking for something cute to wear plus I've found a use for those baby faces in the stash!
Here is something that brings back sweet memories:
When my darling Aunt Ruthy lived on the west hill, she had these aluminum cups in her cupboard. When you drank from them, the beverage was very cold and you could taste the aluminum. Very "in" and fun. It is amazing to see what comes back in style.
I finished a book while I was on travel: The Reader by Bernhard Schlink. Very interesting and a quick read. Of course, anything would be a quick read after a Michener book. Not only are Michener's books about eleventy gazillion pages long, they're printed on rice paper. This makes it virtually impossible for you to flip through pages as you read. When I pick up a "normal" book, I always feel like I'm flipping cardboard pages.
Crochet update: I have let the cardigan marinate way too long. I need to pick it up and finish the back and start the front. I also frogged the Amish yarn 'ghan and started it again. I worked on it while I was in Atlanta and used up all the yarn I brought with me. I usually bring more than I ever get time to use but not this trip. I like how it is turning out - much better than what I ended up frogging.
This morning DH and I hit Fry's for more computer memory. Friday we had the cable guy at the house to diagnose why we couldn't get on the internet - the modem took a shit! $75 late we were up and running. DH said we needed to hit the store for "about a hundred dollars of memory." Why, exactly, is it always double what he guesstimates? Yeah, $200 later we were out the door. Not having spent everything in the bank account, I told him I just had to stop at Half Price Books. Hey, it was in the same shopping center and I'd never been in this one. I found this book: and this book: DH came home with 3 cookbooks. I was happy to remember my 15% off coupon.